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Since becoming a NCC Health Pharmacist in 2008, Matthew Bellgrove has dedicated his life to helping patients reach and maintain optimum health. In this pursuit, he began compounding (custom-making) medicines to provide patients with the exact remedies they need.

Lignocaine6 Tetracaine4 Epinephrine0.02 Gel10g

Lignocaine6 Tetracaine4 Epinephrine0.02 Gel10g Shop NCC Health
Lignocaine 6% Tetracaine 4% Epinephrine 0.02% Gel is a topical anesthetic gel formulated for rapid, localized pain relief during minor procedures. The combination of lignocaine and tetracaine effectively numbs the skin, while epinephrine minimizes bleeding and prolongs the numbing effect by constricting blood vessels. Ideal for applications such as minor surgeries or skin treatments, this gel provides efficient anesthesia and enhances patient comfort by quickly blocking nerve signals at the application site.


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